• Finite element analysis (FEA):  Ansys
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD):  CFX, ICEM
  • Structural design and analysis:  RISA-3D
  • 3D modeling:  Solid Edge, Pro-E, Inventor
  • 2D CAD:  AutoCAD, MicroStation
  • Field technical assistance
  • Shop inspection
Services We Provide

Design and analysis of industrial structures, metallurgical furnace shells,
cooling elements and refractory structures.

MacRae Technologies, Inc. provides access to world-class furnace design
expertise, 3D modeling, CFD, FEA, for a reasonable cost to clients.  We do
not promote any single design.  Rather, we work to find the most appropriate
cost effective solution for each client.

List of services:
Water Velocities in
a Cast Copper
Cast Copper Stave
Water-Cooled Cast
Copper Launder
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